Prime Minister Tony Blair, buoyed by the strength of public opposition to his recent idea for additional road charging, has announced that he will be introducing a whole program of new laws that will prove to be the exact opposite of what popular public opinion actually wants.
In a reaction to the news that 1.8 million people signed the online petition to protest against the government’s plans to install spy devices in all motor vehicles for the purpose of charging the motorist by the mile for the ‘privilege’ of using their car, the PM has decided that, in the dying days of his premiership, he really quite likes the idea of being hated by the entire country.
Mr Blair, who has privately admitted to aides that he is actually insane, yesterday announced his plans to “let a series of really foul and unpleasant farts off in the faces of the Great British public.” The program of parliamentary flatulation is to begin immediately with a bill to compulsorily cull all household pets. With clubs and knives. And you will have to murder your pets yourselves, apparently for Health and Safety reasons, while an official from the Ministry of Agriculture repeatedly prods you in the ribs and angrily berates you for your stupidity in owning such a useless drain on the economy, whilst criticising your feeble attempt at slaughter.
Next on the statute books is the new ‘Race Hate’ law. After witnessing the massive public backlash against the racist bullying of Celebrity Big Brother winner Shilpa Shetty by several uneducated members of the working class, Mr Blair has come up with what he hopes to be the least popular and most controversial idea of all time. He is planning to bring back slavery. As the now ranting PM explained, he intended to force into slavery every group and individual he didn’t like very much. When pressed as to who that might be, Blair replied “that’s pretty much all of you. You ungrateful scum, you’re all gonna be mine! Hahahaha! Oh, apart from Cliff Richard obviously. He’s a close personal friend. And no, not like that. Before you start with your filth.”
Blair raced through the remainder of his ‘Disrespect’ Agenda as he said he had an urgent appointment with a violent sex offender. Thus all we can give you is the outline plans that were hurriedly provided. The highlights are shown below:
A bill to make the wearing of hats illegal, under punishment of death.
The immediate appointment of Paul ‘Gary Glitter’ Gadd as Education & Child Welfare Secretary with GCSE’s to be replaced by MGG (Member of the Glitter Gang) rosettes. A-levels will be kept.
Testing of nuclear weapons on provincial towns with names consisting of fewer than six letters.
All lesbian’s nighties to be set on fire on the last Friday of every month.
Tap water to be replaced by vagrants’ urine.
All pornography to be confiscated, destroyed and replaced with OAP jazz-mags and slack granny flicks.
When asked for their reaction to the Prime Minister’s speech, opposition leaders David Cameron and Ming Campbell simultaneously replied “he’s a mad bastard!”