Atlanta Falcons quarterback Vick pleaded guilty to organising dog fights and killing those dogs that were not considered tough enough to ‘make the grade’. However, he then dropped a bombshell on prosecutors in an attempt to receive leniency. He claimed that, to him, such behaviour is completely normal owing to the fact that he was brought-up by a pack of wolves.
Vick’s extraordinary affidavit stated that he was abandoned as a child and discovered next to a riverbed by a family of wolves, who took pity on the child and opted to raise him as their own.
Vick argues that his lupine upbringing has left him unable to fully integrate into civilised society, causing him to seek out the company of dangerous dogs for comfort. The only way he could do this, apparently, without revealing his shameful secret, was to run a dog fighting ring.
A tearful Vick could only say at yesterday’s press conference “I don’t wanna take anything away from my mom and pops, Fang and Martin, because I appreciate what they did for me so much. But I got so used to hanging around with big, crazy dog-like creatures with sharp teeth and a vicious blood-lust that I just missed them like crazy.”
What effect this remarkable declaration will have on Judge Clarence Beekes’ sentencing is impossible to predict. However an un-named source close to the judge told us that unless Mr Vick’s actual human parents, Alfred and Marcy, manage to metamorphosise just like Michael J Fox did in 'Teen Wolf' in the courtroom, then he (Vick) is “going down for a ten-stretch, the slag”.