Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Democrats Give Bush a Bruising

In the US, the democratic party are celebrating a huge success in the mid-term elections. The Democrats gained control of the House of Representatives and are close to gaining a majority in the senate.

Republican president George Dubya Bush has scheduled a news conference this evening in which he will state whether he tends to live with his powerful opponents or, as is expected, come out with all guns blazing and retake the House and Senate using military force.

Troops in Afghanistan and Iraq are already being shipped back to the US to retake what one presidential aide calls "The Political Arms of America, from the Al-Queda loving, Nazi loving, Jew Hating, Rascist, Dog Humping, Aids Riddled, Ugly Looking Democrats".

One Yesterday's Knews reporter claims that the president has requested mobilisation of Team America - World Police, to be used in the first attack on what is now being called "The War on Democrats".

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