B A has yet again come under fire for banning another of its employees from wearing religious symbols outside of their uniforms. Christian symbolism is apparently the main area of concern for the failing airline at present.
The employee who is currently off on unpaid leave who did not wish to be named confirmed, “I was shocked to say the least when I was asked to put my cross away as I have seen other colleagues wearing symbols of their religion. I was working at terminal 2 at Heathrow when I was asked by management to stop processing passengers for their flight. I was asked to go to a side room used by personnel and made to feel that I had done something wrong. When I was asked to remove my cross I was struck dumb but not by god I hasten to add.”
The employee looked visibly stressed at this moment but managed to continue, “I was informed that I must remove the cross and to go back to work. I felt I was being discriminated on religious grounds and refused to remove the cross. I am very upset by this situation and wish people would be more tolerant of all religions. Yes it may be big and a little cumbersome but I feel I need to let people see that I am a devout Christian.”
Under rules drawn up by BA's 'diversity team' and 'uniform committee', Sikh employees can even wear the traditional iron bangle - even though this would usually be classed as jewellery - while Muslim workers are also allowed prayer breaks during work time.
The employee explained that the cross was not jewellery but an expression of their deep Christian faith.
The employee said last night: "I will not hide my belief in the Lord Jesus. British Airways permits Muslims to wear a headscarf, Sikhs to wear a turban and other faiths religious apparel. The B.A. employee in question would not allow us to view the cross that has brought so much, media interest. However, we do have a picture of the cross being worn by the employee prior to their sending home.
It has been three weeks now that the BA employee has been placed on unpaid leave. We asked a BA spokesperson what the current situation is.
Mrs M Luther confirmed, “Unfortunately a current employee has been sent home due to the wearing of a religious symbol that breaches our employment dress code policy. We asked the employee to remove the said symbol, however they refused and we had no choice but to send them home. The matter is now being handled by a tribunal and as such we are unable to comment any further on the matter. However I will say that the health and safety issues the employees cross has brought up needs to be addressed. We had a few complaints from passengers tripping over the cross in question. This has to stop the costs in court cases has increased ten fold in the last year alone. ”

When asked if other non Christians were still able to wear religious symbols of their faiths she replied, “Yes they are but we feel that a cross can be deemed offensive to other employees and passengers within the terminals of Heathrow.”
The tribunal is due to start in two weeks time. The employee said, “You have to have faith and hope in such matters” and perhaps a very good solicitor as well Yesterdays Knews feels.
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