Well, its that time of year again, where a large bearded man in a red coat breaks into your house and empties his sack all over your living room floor. Why we put up with this every year I do not know!! Anyway...here at Yesterday's Knews Towers, we always enjoy the festive spirit...some more than others (hic!) and so to provide our readers with a little festive cheer, we will be creating a Christmas Story!!
This is something myself and my colleagues have done for a number of years now, locked away in our ivory towers. One of us will begin a story, and each of us will take a turn in continuing the story where the other has left off, to create a masterpiece of comical genius!! or not...so here goes...
The Christmas Story...Part 1
"90 degrees in the shade!! I hate the summer..." Santa sat on the beach sipping Pina Colada's and eyeing up the bikini clad ladies. He also hated not having his beard, having to shave it off every summer to remain incognito was beginning to become tiresome. But what worried him most on this hot mid July day, was the news playstation 3's would be the toy of next Christmas...how was he going to afford £300 quid for 2 billion children's presents?...not to mention the numerous recent requests for Mohammed teddy bears!! This was going to be one tricky Christmas...
Over to you Mr GQB...
is that David Beckham's Christmas Balls?
nice undercrackers
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