First as ever with all of the big news, our finger-on-the-pulse operation today brings you a story that happened two weeks ago. (Well we’ve got lives too you know. Do you think we just created this publication to amuse you lot? Oh right. Well then.)
A minor furore was caused recently (in a fairly loose definition of the word) when a guest writer in the travel section of the Guardian newspaper’s website was on the receiving end of a torrent of abuse.
19 year-old gap year student Max Gogarty (pictured, yes really) was asked to pen a regular blog describing his in-no-way clichéd holiday (yes, you’re going on holiday, not ‘travelling’ you pretentious titheads) to “find himself” in India and Thailand.
Unfortunately for the Guardian, it quickly became evident that poor little Max had a rather unpopular writing style, or to quote journalistic behemoth Bob Woodward, “he writes like a cunt. A talentless, vapid cunt, at that”.
Furthermore, observant readers immediately identified that the bungling blogger was actually the son of sometime-Guardian travel writer, Paul Gogarty.
Within minutes, the article, the writer and the newspaper itself came under attack from hundreds of disgusted readers, ashamed that the august organ could stoop to such lazy, nepotistic depths.
Before the day was through, the Guardian had stopped all further comments on the article and announced that Gogarty Junior would not be writing any further pearls of wisdom on their website.
Over the following days, several articles appeared in the print and online editions of the respected liberal publication, criticising their own readers as a bullying, thuggish mob. Honestly.
We tried to contact Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger for his views on the handling of this matter but had to beat a hasty retreat when he questioned the veracity of our Bob Woodward quote. We did however manage to get a quote from Guardian-hating, ‘straight-talking’, ‘why it’s political correctness gone mad’, immigrant and foreigner-baiting, prick of a newspaper columnist, the Mail’s very own Richard Littlejohn.
Littlejohn summed up the incident with his trademark caustic wit “Oooh a load of cardigan-wearing, lentil-eating lefty poofters had a little gay row did they? Bloody weirdoes. This land used to be fit for heroes you know? Not any more. Over-educated they are, that lot. That’s their problem, no common sense the lot of them.”
Incidentally, you can read the original article and the rather amusing comments, by simply clicking on the link we have handily placed below. Gosh we're nice aren't we?
A minor furore was caused recently (in a fairly loose definition of the word) when a guest writer in the travel section of the Guardian newspaper’s website was on the receiving end of a torrent of abuse.
19 year-old gap year student Max Gogarty (pictured, yes really) was asked to pen a regular blog describing his in-no-way clichéd holiday (yes, you’re going on holiday, not ‘travelling’ you pretentious titheads) to “find himself” in India and Thailand.
Unfortunately for the Guardian, it quickly became evident that poor little Max had a rather unpopular writing style, or to quote journalistic behemoth Bob Woodward, “he writes like a cunt. A talentless, vapid cunt, at that”.
Furthermore, observant readers immediately identified that the bungling blogger was actually the son of sometime-Guardian travel writer, Paul Gogarty.
Within minutes, the article, the writer and the newspaper itself came under attack from hundreds of disgusted readers, ashamed that the august organ could stoop to such lazy, nepotistic depths.
Before the day was through, the Guardian had stopped all further comments on the article and announced that Gogarty Junior would not be writing any further pearls of wisdom on their website.
Over the following days, several articles appeared in the print and online editions of the respected liberal publication, criticising their own readers as a bullying, thuggish mob. Honestly.
We tried to contact Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger for his views on the handling of this matter but had to beat a hasty retreat when he questioned the veracity of our Bob Woodward quote. We did however manage to get a quote from Guardian-hating, ‘straight-talking’, ‘why it’s political correctness gone mad’, immigrant and foreigner-baiting, prick of a newspaper columnist, the Mail’s very own Richard Littlejohn.
Littlejohn summed up the incident with his trademark caustic wit “Oooh a load of cardigan-wearing, lentil-eating lefty poofters had a little gay row did they? Bloody weirdoes. This land used to be fit for heroes you know? Not any more. Over-educated they are, that lot. That’s their problem, no common sense the lot of them.”
Incidentally, you can read the original article and the rather amusing comments, by simply clicking on the link we have handily placed below. Gosh we're nice aren't we?
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