It’s crunch time in the US primaries today when the Democratic Party may finally reveal their nominee to contest the Presidency in this November’s election. (Factual Note – this might not happen.)
So, we thought this was a good time to look back at the campaigns to date and ponder the following question. What have we learnt so far?
So, we thought this was a good time to look back at the campaigns to date and ponder the following question. What have we learnt so far?
That the American media seem to have run out of superlative adjectives to describe today’s clash, after Super-Duper Tuesday had proved inconclusive. Although Yesterdays Knews suggests “Freakin' Massive Tuesday Man!” (Legal Note – if someone uses that on CNN tonight, you owe us money Turner.)
That being a US Senator must be one of the easiest jobs in the world if they’re allowed to take almost two years off their actual work, on full pay mind, to piss-around at trying to become President. No wonder Ron Paul hasn’t pulled out yet. Would you?
That it is possible to have the middle name Hussein AND still be a Christian (other faiths are available). This point’s just for Hillary Clinton by the way. We realise that the rest of us have worked this out by now. Oh hold on, breaking news alert here…………………….
Ah yes, and believe it or not Hillary, DAVID Beckham is not Jewish! Despite the name! Who’da thunk it?
It’s all very well and good Rambo star Sylvester Stallone endorsing John McCain now. But where was he when the Senator was banged-up in a Hanoi hell-hole for seven years and really needed his help?
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